• Dr. Tom Wu is a fake doctor, all degrees are bought on line, pls keep an eye on it.

  • 假博士吳永志 背景翻譯英翻中 XIII Congresso Mondiale 2003


  • 吳永志 背景翻譯英翻中 XIII Congresso Mondiale 2003

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    Dr Tom Wu - Stati Uniti


    Dr. Tom Wu was born in China. He learned the Chinese healing art since his childhood with a grandmaster famous in bipolarity healing in his country.


    He studied the Western conventional medicine in France and received a M.D. in pathology from the University of Bordeaux and a MD in Medica Alternativa from Open International University, Columbo, Sri Lanka. He returned to China to serve his countrymen and learned more Qìgong and oriental healing methods including a special modality to treat and heal the diabetes.


    He came to the United States to study nutrition at American Health Science University and became a licensed certified nutritionist. He attended Clayton College of Natural Health and received his doctorate degree of Naturopathy and a Ph.D. in Nutrition from American Holistic College of Nutrition.

    吳永志在美國健康科學院成為授權認證的營養師,又參加美國阿拉巴馬州克雷頓自然醫學院美國奧勒岡州政府調查之違法及不被認可之學校)獲得營養博士學位,又在美國整體療法協會(現名為Clayton College of Natural Health 美國阿拉巴馬州克雷頓自然醫學院)獲得營養科學Ph.D.學位。

    He also holds a doctorate degree in Natural Medicine (NMD) and is a board certified Naturopathic Physician, and a Federal Registered Naturopath and practices at Wellness Selfcare Center in San Carlos, California, U.S.A.

    吳永志還持有自然醫學博士學位( NMD )是一個經過認證的自然療法醫生,在加州San Carlos自營保健中心 Selfcare Center開業.

    He combines his knowledge of ancient Chinese healing art with the science of Western medicine in his practice to help his patents. He is able to use a special gifted skill to emit high level of Qi to seen in minutes the early warning signs and symptoms indicating the nutritional deficiency and organs dysfunction's from 5 to 10 years before the clinical manifestation of disease! He always says that no any wonder drug can cure any disease except our own internal healing power of the immune system inherited from our loved Father mighty God. In case of pains like carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tendentious, sciatic nerve pain, migraine headache, backache, Dr. Wu can use Qi to open up the blockage of meridian channels and set you free of aches and pains within minutes.

    吳永志結合了自己的知識和中國古代自癒療法加上西方醫學來幫助患者,他有極高的天賦能在幾分鐘內釋放『氣』的能量,可以看到病人身體早期的預警狀態,提早告知患者五到十年後會罹患的病症。他總是說,除了  神賜與人類神奇的免疫系統,沒有任何特效藥可以有效的治療疾病,如果患者有腕管綜合症、滑囊炎、特殊病症、坐骨神經疼痛、偏頭痛、背痛,吳博士可以使用『氣』幫助你在幾分鐘內,開放經絡、堵塞通道、解放你的疼痛,使你獲得自由。

    He strongly believes that doctors of the future should reduce prescriptions and encourage lifestyle change for patients and integration of a prognostic screening profile which allows for early recognition of an organ's nutritional unbalance and dysfunction through preventative care: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of medicine! He also believes that all doctors should strive to learn all the healing arts including Holy Spirit Healing and prayer to helping patients to recover quickly from illness through personal cage instead of disease care, through warm love and care instead of insensible cold high tech procedures, because our body is a physical, psychological and spiritual entity.


    Dr. Wu can pinpoint a specific dietary pattern to improve a person's health according to the law of Mother Nature. Since each person has his or her own individual characteristics, so the dietary pattern may be different from each individual according to his/her yin yang deficiencies.


    He is an international natural health speaker, educator and professor.
    He travels extensively in the United States, Asian and European countries and help tens of thousands of patents who were suffering from either diabetes, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, arthritis, cancer or other chronic diseases... and following his diet advice, are able to reverse their disease and back to normal life and enjoy a happier, longer, healthier life with then families.


    He travels extensively in the United States, Asian and European countries and help tens of thousands of patents who were suffering from either diabetes, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, arthritis, cancer or other chronic diseases... ... and following his diet advice, are able to reverse their disease and back to normal life and enjoy a happier, longer, healthier life with then families.

    吳永志旅遊美國、亞洲和歐洲各國,並幫助數以萬計的糖尿病患者、心臟病患者、動脈硬化患者、高血壓患者、關節炎患者、癌症患者、或其他慢性疾病患者 ,單只透過飲食諮詢,就能夠扭轉患者疾病,幫助病患恢復正常生活和享受幸福、長壽、更健康幸福的家庭生活。


    Dr. Wu has held and hold the following positions.


    ·         President of Chinese Wai Tan Kung – Nei Tan Kung Association (U.S.A.)




    ·         President of Selfcare Research Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.



    ·         Director of Wellness Selfcare Center, San Carlos, California, U.S.A.

     自營San Carlos保健中心

    ·         Founder of CBN Flying Hospital, Virginia Beach, Virginia


    ·         Visiting Professor for the Open International University,  Columbo, Sri Lanka.


    ·         Visiting Professor for De La Salle University of Medicine,   Philippines

      菲律賓De La Salle University大學客座教授

    ·         Visiting Professor for Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science

      印度Academy of Acupuncture Science針灸科學學院客座教授

    ·         Itinerary Professor for Hei Long Jiang Traditional Chinese Medicine, China


    ·         Member of Natural Health Federation, U.S.A.


    ·         Member of American Naturopathic Medical Association, U.S.A.


    ·         Member of Society of Certified Nutritionist, U.S.A.


    ·         Member of National Nutrition and Foods Association, U.S.A.


    ·         Member of St. Mary's Hospital, San Francisco, U.S.A.


    ·         Member of Sequoia Hospital, Redwood City, U.S.A.

       美國Redwood City Sequoia醫院會員

    ·         Member of American Cancer Society


    ·         Member of The American Association of Nutritional Consultants


    ·         Partners of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

      St. Jude兒童研究醫院股東之一

    ·         Partners of Diabetic Research Center, U.S.A.


    ·         Member of Heart Association, U.S.A.


    ·         Partners of Arthritis Foundation, U.S.A.


    He is speaker for a lot of universities, hospitals, government-sponsored health organizations all over the world. Due to his remarkable efforts to the public worldwide, Dr. Wu received numerous awards, medals, and appreciation letters from all over the world, such as:


    ·         The Albert Schweitzer Price for Medicine Award


    ·         Humanity Health Service Contribution Award


    ·         2000 Yellow Emperor Award - Physician of the Century


    ·         Inner & Outer Environment World Healthcare Award


    ·         Outstanding contribution awarded by the Chinese Overseas Commission


    ·         Remarkable contribution awarded by the Chinese Acupuncture Association


    ·         Certificate of Excellence for Humanitarianism and Philanthropy


    ·         Remarkable Contribution Awarded by American Cancer Society


    ·         Appreciation Awarded from Atascadero State Hospital


    ·         Outstanding Contribution Award from Mayo Clinic


    ·         Outstanding Contribution Award by Health Sciences Campus University Medical Center

    Health Sciences Campus University Medical Center傑出貢獻獎

    ·         Also gold metals, trophies and appreciation letters from other countries such as: Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Denmark, Finland, Britain, Spain, Canada, Australia, Africa, etc...


    ·         Hall of Fame Award from Texas State Naturopathic Medical Association


    ·         Community Service Award from CAM Committee-SFO

      舊金山CAM Committee社區服務獎

    ·         World Famous Doctor Award from United Nations-NGO

      聯合國世界傑出醫生獎(聯合國表示查無此獎 吳永志表示不知道頒獎協會是騙人的)


    ·         Highest Gold Ox Award for outstanding achievement to Natural Medicine-Beijing


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